Meet Clarissa
I’m Clarissa, a Holistic Nutritionist with a background in research science and fitness. I educate and empower my clients to solve their chronic digestive issues so that they feel strong, energised and confident in their bodies, through targeted nutrition strategies, lifestyle adjustments, mindset coaching and cultivated self-awareness.
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Having been through my own intense health journey with lifelong gut issues and eczema, I understand what it's like to feel in a battle with your own body and to feel confused by all the contradicting advice out there. I also know what it's like to take back control of your own health, to feel empowered in your own decision making and to find relief from symptoms you never thought you would. I work with my clients to root out the underlying causes of their concerns and give them the tools to make lasting, positive changes to their lives.

"Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots."
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